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Donations and Bequests
Research Grants 2010


 Making A Donation to Modbury Hospital Foundation 

Modbury Hospital Foundation has a range of activities and payment options through which you can support or donate to assist us in raising funds for medical research and patient care projects at Modbury Hospital.

Events and Activities

Purchase your 2010/2011 Entertainment Book here, simply complete the order form an fax, mail or drop in to the Gift Shop.

Buy Raffle Tickets – directly from our Gift Shop or Hospital Kiosk.

To make a direct donation:

Mail or Fax our donation form to:

Modbury Hospital Foundation
Smart Road
Modbury South Australia 5092

Fax: (08) 8161 2169

Arrange a regular donation

Phone (08) 8161 2626

Click here to download: Donation Form


In  Memorial donation

To make a donation in memory and honour of a loved one, friend or colleague, please use this form or contact our office. In Memorial Form


Making a gift in your Will to Modbury Hospital Foundation

Making a gift in your Will to Modbury Hospital Foundation

Including a bequest to Modbury Hospital Foundation in your Will is very simple….when you make a Will, or update your existing one, simply ask your solicitor to include a bequest to Modbury Hospital Foundation. We advise you to discuss options with your solicitor to see which one is right for you.

What to do if you don’t have a Will

If you haven’t yet made a Will or are not sure about how to include a bequest in your Will, you can speak to any solicitor who offers a Will-writing service.

Your Bequest options

Here are two effective options for including a bequest in your Will. Both offer you the advantage of ensuring that the real dollar value of your bequest is not eroded by inflation over time in the way that the value of a lump sum bequest might be eroded, maintaining the strength of the bequest and its power to serve the local community.

1. The residue of your estate

After you have looked after your family and friends and any debts, you may choose to leave what remains to the Modbury Hospital Foundation. This is called a residuary bequest, because it relates to the residue (or remainder) of your estate. Many people choose this option because it means you look after your loved ones and other commitments first. Should you choose this option, the correct wording is:

I GIVE, DEVISE AND BEQUEATH the rest and residue of my estate both real and personal to Modbury Hospital Foundation – (ABN 43 920 301 185) Smart Road, Modbury 5092 for its general purposes and/or medical research and declare that the receipt of an executive officer at the time, shall be sufficient discharge of my executor’s duty.

2. A percentage of the residue of your estate

An alternative is to give a percentage of the residue of your estate. Should you choose this alternative, the correct wording is:

I GIVE, DEVISE AND BEQUEATH __________ per cent of the residue of my estate to Modbury Hospital Foundation (ABN 43 920 301 185) Smart Road, Modbury 5092, for its general purposes and/or medical research and declare that the receipt of an executive officer at the time, shall be sufficient discharge of my executor’s duty.

These are not the only ways you can make a bequest to Modbury Hospital Foundation. Should you wish to choose an alternative method, please discuss this with your Solicitor.

Need more help?

If you would like to discuss any aspect of making a gift to Modbury Hospital Foundation through your Will, our Executive Director can provide further information and professional contacts. Phone 08 8161 2626 or email meunson@mhfoundation.org.au.

Click here to download: Bequest Information Form


Thank you for your support


Modbury Hospital Foundation


Modbury Hospital

41-69 Smart Road

Modbury  SA  5092


Ph 8161 2155 or email for more information 


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